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Practice with Virtual Patients, save real lives.

free virtual event

29 April, 12:00 PM GMT

How can we jumpstart healthcare professionals' readiness?

Take The Wind brings together academics, worldwide clinical experts and scientific partners to our first annual online meeting Body Interact Global Network 2021.

Together we want to reshape the clinical learning landscape through virtual patients.


Global Network Schedule

29 April, 12:00 PM GMT

12:00 PM - Opening remarks & Welcome

Setting-up the new clinical learning landscape: a message from Take the Wind
CEO, Pedro Pinto

12:05 PM - Think Global: Impact Study Outcomes

Guest speakers

Using Body Interact Virtual Patient: A new learning paradigm
Paweł Więch, PhD, DSc

How can Body Interact Virtual Patients improve clinical education?
An overall reflection on the data collected
Miguel Padilha, PhD, CRRN, RN

12:30 PM - Think Virtual: An immersive simulation experience with virtual patients

Guest speakers

How can Body Interact Virtual Patients enhance Simulation Experiences for Undergraduate Nursing Students?
Lorraine Betts, MN, RN, CHSE

Can Body Interact Virtual Patients be used by different healthcare professions? An example in the Medicine Curriculum
Soledad Armijo, MD, CHSE-A

Covid-19 has changed the way medical education is delivered. How can educators respond to the medical student’s needs?
Paata Tsagareishvili, MD

Relevance of debriefing to foster the development of clinical competency
Hugrun Ösp Egilsdottir, PhD candidate, MSc, RN

1:40 PM - Think Ahead: The future role of Virtual Patients in healthcare

Guest speakers

Can Virtual Patients accelerate the critical thinking of the next generation of learners?
Ahmed Rhassane El Adib, MD

How is debriefing going to evolve in the virtual environment?
Sandra Goldsworthy, PhD, RN, CNCC(C), CMSN(C) CCSNE

Pre-hospital setting: The role of Virtual Patients at the beginning of the healthcare chain
Kimberly Whitten, MEd, NRP

Body Interact Impact Study in Clinical Education

In 2020, 11 higher education institutions from 8 different countries around the globe, both from nursing and medicine, conducted an international and multicentric study with the aim of understanding the impact of using Virtual Patient Simulators in different aspects of Teaching and Learning.

Ana Archer

Nursing Student
Porto Nursing School (Portugal)

Ana Sofia Jesus

Assistant Professor
Escola Superior de Saúde Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa (Portugal)

Kirsten Røland Byermoen

Assistant Professor and PhD Candidate
University of South-Eastern Norway (Norway)

Lorraine Betts

Professor of Nursing | Academic Simulation Coordinator
George Brown College (Canada)

Luo Ling

Full-time Professor at the Faculty of Medicine
Guangxi Medical College (China)

Maria Carolina Ferreira

Assistant Professor
Escola Superior de Saúde Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa (Portugal)

Meet our 2021 speakers


Hugrun Ösp Egilsdottir

PhD candidate, MSc, RN

Kimberly Whitten

Kimberly Whitten



Lorraine Betts


Miguel Padilha

Miguel Padilha



Paata Tsagareishvili



Paweł Więch

PhD, DSc


Sandra Goldsworthy


Soledad Armijo

Soledad Armijo


About Body Interact

Body Interact is a Virtual Patient Simulator that through clinical cases built under a physiological algorithm allows current and future health professionals to develop their critical thinking and decision-making skills.

The SimulatorLearn More